翻了好多的帖子,发现传奇钥匙底座的共振有很多人也遇到过,不限于ZX4R车型,以下是别人的描述Hey Fellow ZX'ers...
I am loving my new ride (2006 ZX10R, black) since I traded up from my 2003 GSXR750 (still a nice ride...). After my first 1500 or so km, I noticed the very same "buzzing" noise that has been discussed in these threads, and I just wanted to say today I am trying the 3 cures - rubberizing the base of the key to add some "contact" to the ignition area; re-fiddling the vapour seal on the gas tank lid; and thirdly, if necessary, removing the front cowl and windscreen to add some foam tape to the areas of contact. I surely hope this relieves the issue.
Thanks for the heads up, and so far, I am stoked to be part of this new site!!
Fellow ZX'ers...
Tried that little piece of rubber tubing on the base of the key and the 4000rpm buzzing has disappeared. Now there is still "some" buzzing around that rpm, and it is coming from the windscreen, but it's very, very minimal compared to that totally annoying ignition/key/control buzz.
刚提车一周 我也有一个高转异响 怠速是没有的 骑起来就有了 4S师傅说是堵头可能要加垫片,但是我试了一下不是堵头传出来的声音,谢谢LZ分享 下周去4S按照你这个检查一下 hei se? zhe che you shen me liang dian? 我车刚到时候共振是手把平衡头,里面垫了棉胶布就好了 感谢分享 在下面垫一个橡胶圈就好了,淘宝上买一个就行:lol